9 Rules about Constructors, Destructors, and Finalizers

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First, this writing concentrates of and compares between three programming languages, C#, C++/CLI, and ISO/ANSI C++. It discusses 9 rules that every developer should keep in mind while working with constructors, destructors, and finalizers and class hierarchies:

  • Rule #1: Contrsuctors are called in descending order
  • Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing
  • Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order
  • Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC-managed objects only
  • Rule #5: You cannot determine when finalizers would be called
  • Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers
  • Rule #7: In C++/CLI and classic C++, you can determine when destructors are called
  • Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together
  • Rule #9: Beware of virtual functions in constructors

Rule #1: Constructors are called in descending order

Rule #1: Constructors are called in descending order; starting from the root class and stepping down through the tree to reach the last leaf object that you need to instantiate. Applies to C#, C++/CLI, and ANSI C++.

Let’s consider a simple class hierarchy like this:

    class BaseClass
        public BaseClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

    class DerivedClass : BaseClass
        public DerivedClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

    class ChildClass : DerivedClass
        public ChildClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

ChildClass inherits from DerivedClass, and DerivedClass, in turn, inherits from BaseClass.

When we create a new instance of ChildClass using a simple line like this:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

the code outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass

Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing

Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing; the function called before the object is fully-removed from the memory (i.e. GC-collected). Applies to C# only.

Let’s consider the same class hierarchy but with destructors:

    class BaseClass
        public ~BaseClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");

    class DerivedClass : BaseClass
        public ~DerivedClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");

    class ChildClass : DerivedClass
        public ~ChildClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

When you define a class destructor with that C++-alike syntax (preceding the function name with a ~) the compiler actually replaces your destructor with an override of the virtual Object.Finalize() function. That is, before the object is removed (i.e. GC-collected) from the memory, the finalizer (i.e. destructor) is called first. This finalizer first executes your code. After that it calls the finalizer of the base type of your object. If we could decompile our assembly, we would see that our destructor in the ChildClass (so other classes) has been replaced with this function:

        protected virtual void Finalize()
                Console.WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order

Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order, starting from the leaf object that you need to instantiate and moving up through the tree to reach the very first base class of your object. In reverse of constructors calling order. Applies to C#, C++/CLI, and ANSI C++.

Now, instantiate your class:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

        // 'cls' is removed from memory here

the code should outputs the following results:

dtor of ChildClass
dtor of DerivedClass
dtor of BaseClass

Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC-managed objects

Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC managed objects (i.e. managed classes). That’s because the finalizer is called only when the GC removes the object from the memory (i.e. frees memory associated with).

Now, try to create a simple structure with a destructor:

    struct MyStruct
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of MyStruct");

The code won’t compile. That’s because that GC doesn’t handle structures.

Rule #5: You can’t determine when finalizers would be called

That’s because you don’t know when the next garbage collection would occur, even if you performed a manual garbage collection (using System.GC.Collect() function) you won’t know exactly when memory would be released. In addition, GC always delay releasing of finalizable object, it puts them in a special GC queue called freachable (pronounced ef-reachable, F stands for Finalize) queue. Applies to C# and C++/CLI (.NET.)

Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers

Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers. That is, finalizers are called by GC, and destructors are called when you manually delete the object.

Let’s consider the same example but in C++/CLI:

ref class BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

When we run the code:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();

it outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass

The destructors are not called. Why? Unlike C#, in C++/CLI there is a big difference between destructors and finalizers. As you know, the finalizer is called when the GC removes the object from the memory. Destructors, on the other hand, are called when you destroy the object yourself (e.g. use the delete keyword.)

Now, try to change the test code to the following:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();
	delete cls;

Run the code. Now, destructors are called.

Next, let’s add finalizers to our objects. The code should be like the following:

ref class BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of ChildClass");


As you see, the syntax of constructors, destructors, and finalizers are very similar.

Now, let’s try the code:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();

GC would call finalizers and the code would outputs the following:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass
finz of ChildClass
finz of DerivedClass
finz of BaseClass

Rule #7: In C++/CLI and C++, you can determine when destructors are called

Now, try to destroy the object yourself:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();
	delete cls;

The delete statement calls object destructors and removes the object from memory.

Or else, declare the object with stack-semantics:

int main()
	ChildClass cls;

Now, destructors are called when the scope of the object ends.

Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together

Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together. Only destructors or finalizers are called. If you manually delete the object or you declare it with stack-semantics, destructors are called. If you leaved the object for GC to handle, finalizers are called.

Now try to run the code. The code should outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass
dtor of ChildClass
dtor of DerivedClass
dtor of BaseClass

Rule #9: Beware of virtual functions in constructors

Rule #9: Beware of virtual (overridable) functions in constructors. In .NET (C# and C++/CLI,) the overload of the most derived object (the object to be instantiated) is called. In traditional C++ (ISO/ANSI C++,) the overload of the current object constructed is called.

Let’s update our C# example:

class BaseClass
    public BaseClass()

    public virtual void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public DerivedClass()

    public override void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of DerivedClass");

class ChildClass : DerivedClass
    public ChildClass()

    public override void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of ChildClass");

When you execute the code:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

you would get the following results:

Foo() of ChildClass

The same code in C++/CLI:

ref class BaseClass

	virtual void Foo()
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of ChildClass");

The code outputs the same results.

But what if you need to call the virtual function of the BaseClass? Just change the code to the following:

ref class BaseClass

	virtual void Foo()
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

Now, the code outputs:

Foo() of BaseClass

Let’s consider the same example but in classic ISO/ANSI C++:

class CBaseClass
	virtual void Foo()
		cout << "Foo() of CBaseClass" << endl;

class CDerivedClass : CBaseClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		cout << "Foo() of CDerivedClass" << endl;

class CChildClass : CDerivedClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		cout << "Foo() of CChildClass" << endl;

Now, run the code. It should outputs:

Foo() of BaseClass

In classic C++, the overload of the function of the class being constructed is called unlike C# and C++/CLI (.NET in general.)

14 thoughts on “9 Rules about Constructors, Destructors, and Finalizers

  1. thank you for this Great tips, but i want to ask about emmbeding resources,can
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  2. thank you for this Great tips, but i want to ask about emmbeding resources,can
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  3. Nice article buddy, reading this article helped me revise contrcutor/destrcutor rules , its been quite a while since i’ve gone through these concepts …. 🙂


  4. Nice article buddy, reading this article helped me revise contrcutor/destrcutor rules , its been quite a while since i’ve gone through these concepts …. 🙂


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