Setting Device Information in MCI

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Interested in MCI multimedia processing? First check this article out if you didn’t:

Creating a Sound Recorder in C and C#

After we received your feedbacks and comments about th.e article, we decided to add a small appendix to the end of the article about setting information (volume, channel, sampling rate, etc.) to a MCI device (a Waveform device of course.)

Like anything else in MCI, you can set device information using a MCI command (string/numeric), and this time it’s the MCI_SET command.

This command is used to set information about a specific device. This command requires an input parameter of the MCI_SET_PARMS structure. However, that input parameter might have extended members for specific devices. Because we are concentrating of Waveform devices, so we are going to use the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS structure that contains the extended members for our device and is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
    DWORD     dwTimeFormat;
    DWORD     dwAudio;
    UINT      wInput;
    UINT      wOutput;
    WORD      wFormatTag;
    WORD      wReserved2;
    WORD      nChannels;
    WORD      wReserved3;
    DWORD     nSamplesPerSec;
    DWORD     nAvgBytesPerSec;
    WORD      nBlockAlign;
    WORD      wReserved4;
    WORD      wBitsPerSample;
    WORD      wReserved5;

This structure contains all and every little piece of information that can be set to a device. I expect that you read the main article and you are already familiar with members like dwCallback (other members are self-explanatory) that we have talked about many times, and you are fine too with function calls and setting up input parameters, so I won’t get into the discussion of the structure or how you are going to use that command. However, if you need more help setting up the input parameters for the structure, you should take a brief look at the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS Structure documentation in the MSDN.

As you know, the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS unmanaged structure can be marshaled in C# as following:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS
    public IntPtr dwCallback;
    public uint     dwTimeFormat;
    public uint     dwAudio;
    public uint      wInput;
    public uint      wOutput;
    public ushort      wFormatTag;
    public ushort      wReserved2;
    public ushort      nChannels;
    public ushort      wReserved3;
    public uint     nSamplesPerSec;
    public uint     nAvgBytesPerSec;
    public ushort      nBlockAlign;
    public ushort      wReserved4;
    public ushort      wBitsPerSample;
    public ushort      wReserved5;

Congratulations! You did set the device information! So how to get them back?

This can be done through the MCI_STATUS (discussed earlier) by setting up the MCI_STATUS_ITEM flag and setting the query item to the required information you need to query about (like MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME to query about volume.)

More about the MCI_STATUS command can be found in the MSDN documentation.

9 Rules about Constructors, Destructors, and Finalizers

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First, this writing concentrates of and compares between three programming languages, C#, C++/CLI, and ISO/ANSI C++. It discusses 9 rules that every developer should keep in mind while working with constructors, destructors, and finalizers and class hierarchies:

  • Rule #1: Contrsuctors are called in descending order
  • Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing
  • Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order
  • Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC-managed objects only
  • Rule #5: You cannot determine when finalizers would be called
  • Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers
  • Rule #7: In C++/CLI and classic C++, you can determine when destructors are called
  • Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together
  • Rule #9: Beware of virtual functions in constructors

Rule #1: Constructors are called in descending order

Rule #1: Constructors are called in descending order; starting from the root class and stepping down through the tree to reach the last leaf object that you need to instantiate. Applies to C#, C++/CLI, and ANSI C++.

Let’s consider a simple class hierarchy like this:

    class BaseClass
        public BaseClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

    class DerivedClass : BaseClass
        public DerivedClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

    class ChildClass : DerivedClass
        public ChildClass()
            Console.WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

ChildClass inherits from DerivedClass, and DerivedClass, in turn, inherits from BaseClass.

When we create a new instance of ChildClass using a simple line like this:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

the code outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass

Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing

Rule #2: In C# lexicology, a destructor and a finalizer refer to the same thing; the function called before the object is fully-removed from the memory (i.e. GC-collected). Applies to C# only.

Let’s consider the same class hierarchy but with destructors:

    class BaseClass
        public ~BaseClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");

    class DerivedClass : BaseClass
        public ~DerivedClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");

    class ChildClass : DerivedClass
        public ~ChildClass()
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

When you define a class destructor with that C++-alike syntax (preceding the function name with a ~) the compiler actually replaces your destructor with an override of the virtual Object.Finalize() function. That is, before the object is removed (i.e. GC-collected) from the memory, the finalizer (i.e. destructor) is called first. This finalizer first executes your code. After that it calls the finalizer of the base type of your object. If we could decompile our assembly, we would see that our destructor in the ChildClass (so other classes) has been replaced with this function:

        protected virtual void Finalize()
                Console.WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order

Rule #3: Destructors are called in ascending order, starting from the leaf object that you need to instantiate and moving up through the tree to reach the very first base class of your object. In reverse of constructors calling order. Applies to C#, C++/CLI, and ANSI C++.

Now, instantiate your class:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

        // 'cls' is removed from memory here

the code should outputs the following results:

dtor of ChildClass
dtor of DerivedClass
dtor of BaseClass

Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC-managed objects

Rule #4: Finalizers are a feature of GC managed objects (i.e. managed classes). That’s because the finalizer is called only when the GC removes the object from the memory (i.e. frees memory associated with).

Now, try to create a simple structure with a destructor:

    struct MyStruct
            Console.WriteLine("dtor of MyStruct");

The code won’t compile. That’s because that GC doesn’t handle structures.

Rule #5: You can’t determine when finalizers would be called

That’s because you don’t know when the next garbage collection would occur, even if you performed a manual garbage collection (using System.GC.Collect() function) you won’t know exactly when memory would be released. In addition, GC always delay releasing of finalizable object, it puts them in a special GC queue called freachable (pronounced ef-reachable, F stands for Finalize) queue. Applies to C# and C++/CLI (.NET.)

Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers

Rule #6: C++/CLI differs between destructors and finalizers. That is, finalizers are called by GC, and destructors are called when you manually delete the object.

Let’s consider the same example but in C++/CLI:

ref class BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");

When we run the code:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();

it outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass

The destructors are not called. Why? Unlike C#, in C++/CLI there is a big difference between destructors and finalizers. As you know, the finalizer is called when the GC removes the object from the memory. Destructors, on the other hand, are called when you destroy the object yourself (e.g. use the delete keyword.)

Now, try to change the test code to the following:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();
	delete cls;

Run the code. Now, destructors are called.

Next, let’s add finalizers to our objects. The code should be like the following:

ref class BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of BaseClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of BaseClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of DerivedClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of DerivedClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass
		Console::WriteLine("ctor of ChildClass");

		Console::WriteLine("dtor of ChildClass");
		Console::WriteLine("finz of ChildClass");


As you see, the syntax of constructors, destructors, and finalizers are very similar.

Now, let’s try the code:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();

GC would call finalizers and the code would outputs the following:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass
finz of ChildClass
finz of DerivedClass
finz of BaseClass

Rule #7: In C++/CLI and C++, you can determine when destructors are called

Now, try to destroy the object yourself:

int main()
	ChildClass^ cls = gcnew ChildClass();
	delete cls;

The delete statement calls object destructors and removes the object from memory.

Or else, declare the object with stack-semantics:

int main()
	ChildClass cls;

Now, destructors are called when the scope of the object ends.

Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together

Rule #8: In C++/CLI, destructors and finalizers are not called together. Only destructors or finalizers are called. If you manually delete the object or you declare it with stack-semantics, destructors are called. If you leaved the object for GC to handle, finalizers are called.

Now try to run the code. The code should outputs the following results:

ctor of BaseClass
ctor of DerivedClass
ctor of ChildClass
dtor of ChildClass
dtor of DerivedClass
dtor of BaseClass

Rule #9: Beware of virtual functions in constructors

Rule #9: Beware of virtual (overridable) functions in constructors. In .NET (C# and C++/CLI,) the overload of the most derived object (the object to be instantiated) is called. In traditional C++ (ISO/ANSI C++,) the overload of the current object constructed is called.

Let’s update our C# example:

class BaseClass
    public BaseClass()

    public virtual void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public DerivedClass()

    public override void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of DerivedClass");

class ChildClass : DerivedClass
    public ChildClass()

    public override void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo() of ChildClass");

When you execute the code:

    static void Main()
        ChildClass cls = new ChildClass();

you would get the following results:

Foo() of ChildClass

The same code in C++/CLI:

ref class BaseClass

	virtual void Foo()
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

ref class DerivedClass : BaseClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of DerivedClass");

ref class ChildClass : DerivedClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of ChildClass");

The code outputs the same results.

But what if you need to call the virtual function of the BaseClass? Just change the code to the following:

ref class BaseClass

	virtual void Foo()
		Console::WriteLine("Foo() of BaseClass");

Now, the code outputs:

Foo() of BaseClass

Let’s consider the same example but in classic ISO/ANSI C++:

class CBaseClass
	virtual void Foo()
		cout << "Foo() of CBaseClass" << endl;

class CDerivedClass : CBaseClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		cout << "Foo() of CDerivedClass" << endl;

class CChildClass : CDerivedClass

	virtual void Foo() override
		cout << "Foo() of CChildClass" << endl;

Now, run the code. It should outputs:

Foo() of BaseClass

In classic C++, the overload of the function of the class being constructed is called unlike C# and C++/CLI (.NET in general.)

Creating a Sound Recorder in C and C#

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Code: SMPREC –
Code: SimpleRec –


Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Overview
  • Introduction
  • Sending MCI Commands
  • The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags
  • Handling MCI Errors
  • Recording from an Input Device
    • Opening the Device
    • Starting Recording
    • Pausing Recording
    • Resuming Recording
    • Stopping Recording
    • Retrieving Buffer Length
    • Saving the Recorded Buffer
    • Closing the Device
  • Playing a Sound File
    • Loading the File
    • Playing the File
    • Pausing
    • Resuming
    • Retrieving Current Position
    • Retrieving File Length
    • Seeking a Specific Position
    • Closing the Device
    • In a Nutshell
  • MCI and .NET
    • Creating the Managed Signature
    • Receiving MCI_MMNOTIFY
  • Appendix A: Setting Device Information [NEW]
  • Sample Code


This writing will focus on how you can record sound from an input device and how you can play sound files using MCI (Media Control Interface) in C and C#.

This writing does not involve a discussion or even an introduction to MCI. Instead, it provides technical discussion of what we will need to use to record and to play sound files. If you need an introduction to MCI refer to the MSDN documentation.

We will begin by a discussion to types and functions required to accomplish our tasks. Then we will look on how you can utilize those types and functions in your C or C# application.

Our demonstration examples in this writing will be in C. In the last section we will have a look at .NET and C#. Besides this, there are sample applications written by C and C# attached with the article.


Icon to represent multimedia
Image via Wikipedia

Actually, there are many ways to record and play sound files. However, in this writing we will focus on MCI (Media Control Interface) as it is one of the high-level easy-to-use interfaces for controlling all media types.

You can control a multimedia hardware using MCI by either sending commands like Windows messages or by sending string messages to the MCI. The second approach is preferable in scripting languages. As we are concentrating on languages C and C#, we will consider the first approach only.

Because .NET Framework does not include classes for handling MCI (or multimedia at all,) we will need to dig into Windows SDK, specifically WinMM.dll (Windows Multimedia Library) that resides in the system directory.

In order to access this library from your C# application, you will need to create your own marshaling types and PInvoke (Platform Invocation) methods to allow your managed code to communicate with the unmanaged server. That is what the last section of this article is devoted for.

To access this library from your C application, just reference the library object file WinMM.lib in your project. Notice that all of the functions and structures related to the MCI are prefixed with mci.

In the next sections we will talk about the functions and structures that we need to be aware of before digging into coding.

Sending MCI Commands

The key function to Windows multimedia programming using MCI is mciSendCommand(). This function sends a command to the MCI. As we have said, you can program MCI using one of two approaches, you can send Windows-messages-like commands, and you can also send string messages to the MCI. The key function that we will use to send MCI commands is mciSendCommand(). To send string messages, you can use the function mciSendMessage() which is not covered here.

The definition of the function mciSendCommand() is as follows:

MCIERROR mciSendCommand(
  UINT        uMsg,
  DWORD       fdwCommand,
  DWORD_PTR   dwParam

This function receives four input arguments:

  • IDDevice:
    The ID of the device to which to receive the command. For example, the ID of the input device when recording or the output device if playing. As you know, many devices could be connected to the PC. You can forget about this argument and just pass the function 0 to direct the message to the default device (selected in the Sound applet in the Control Panel.)
  • uMsg:
    The message (command) to be sent. Common messages are covered in the next few sections.
  • fdwCommand:
    Flags (options) of the message. Every message has its own options. However, all messages share the flags MCI_WAIT, MCI_NOTIFY, and MCI_TEST (covered soon.)
  • dwParam:
    A structure contains the specific parameter for the command message.

As a result, every command (message) has its name, flags, and structure parameter.

This function returns 0 if succeeded or an error code otherwise.

The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags

Common flags for all MCI messages are, MCI_WAIT, MCI_NOTIFY, and MCI_TEST.

The Wait flag, MCI_WAIT, indicates that the message should be processed synchronously; means that the function would not return until message processing finishes. For example, if you send a play message with the MCI_WAIT, your application would be suspended until the entire file finishes. Therefore, you should not use MCI_WAIT for play or record messages.

The Notify flag, MCI_NOTIFY, is the reverse of the Wait flag. It indicates that the message should be processed asynchronously; means that the function would return immediately and does not wait for the completion of the message. When the processing of the message finishes, it sends a MM_MCINOTIFY message to the windows specified in the dwCallback member of the message parameter. This flag should be used for play and record messages.

The wParam value of the MM_MCINOTIFY message is usually set to either MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL to indicate command success or MCI_NOTIFY_FAILURE otherwise.

The Test flag, MCI_TEST, checks if the device can process this message, it does not process the message. The function would return 0 if the device can process the message or non-zero otherwise. You will use this flag in rare cases only.

Keep in mind that you should choose only one of the three flags, you cannot combine them.

If you didn’t specify any of these three flags, the call would be treated asynchronously and you will not be notified when it completes.

Handling MCI Errors

Every MCI command could succeed or fail. If the command succeeded, mciSendCommand() returns 0 (FALSE/false.) Otherwise, it returns the error code.

MCI defines error codes as constants that are prefixed with MCIERR_ like MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED and MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (names are self-explanatory.) You can get the friendly error message of the code using the function mciGetErrorString(). The definition of this function is as follows:

BOOL mciGetErrorString(
  DWORD fdwError,
  LPTSTR lpszErrorText,
  UINT cchErrorText

This function accepts three arguments:

  • fdwError:
    Error code returned by mciSendCommand() function.
  • lpszErrorText:
    A string buffer that receives the description of the error.
  • cchErrorText:
    Length of the buffer in characters.

The following C example shows how you can display a friendly error message to the user if an error occurred:

	TCHAR szBuffer[256];
	DWORD dwErr;

	dwErr = mciSendCommand(/* arguments */);

	mciGetErrorStringW(dwErr, szBuffer, 256);
	// cchErrorText =
	//     sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(szBuffer[0])

Recording from an Input Device

To record from an input device using MCI, follow these steps:

  1. Open the input device to receive the data from.
  2. Order the MCI to start the recording process.
  3. When you finish, stop the recording process.
  4. Save the record buffer if applicable.
  5. Close the opened device.

Keep in mind that you should check whether an error occurred or not after sending each command. The previous approach to retrieve error messages would be very useful.

Opening the Device

To open a device just pass the open command MCI_OPEN to the mciSendCommand() function along with its flags and parameter.

The parameter of MCI_OPEN is the structure MCI_OPEN_PARMS. This structure contains information about the open command. The definition of this structure is as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR    dwCallback;
    LPCSTR       lpstrDeviceType;
    LPCSTR       lpstrElementName;
    LPCSTR       lpstrAlias;

Actually, you will make use of only the third and fourth members, lpstrDeviceType and lpstrElementName, of the structure when you open a device. lpstrDeviceType determines the type of the device (digital-audio, digital-video, etc.) that will be used. In our example that records and plays sound files, we will set this member to €œwaveaudio€ to indicate that we are going to work with waveform (WAV) data.

lpstrElementName on the other hand, should be set to an empty string (that is €œ€) if you are opening an input device for recording. If you want to play a file, set this member to the full path of that file.

Common flags of the command MCI_OPEN are:

  • The Wait, Notify, and Test flags:
    The Wait command is usually used for MCI_OPEN.
    Mandatory. The lpstrDeviceType of the MCI_OPEN_PARMS is set. It is set to €œwaveaudio€ for WAV data.
    Mandatory. The lpstrElementType of the MCI_OPEN_PARMS is set. It is set to an empty string if recording or a path to a file if you want to play it.

You will always combine the flags MCI_WAIT, MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT, and MCI_OPEN_TYPE for the MCI_OPEN command.

When the function returns, the wDeviceID member of the structure is set to the ID of the device opened. You should keep this ID for future calls on that device until you close it using the close command.

The following C code shows how you can open an input device for recording:

	WORD wDeviceID;

	parmOpen.dwCallback       = 0;
	parmOpen.wDeviceID        = 0;	// the default device
	parmOpen.lpstrDeviceType  = TEXT("waveaudio");
	parmOpen.lpstrElementName = TEXT("");
	parmOpen.lpstrAlias       = 0;

	mciSendCommand(0, // the default device

	// Keep the device ID for future calls
	wDeviceID = parmOpen.wDeviceID;

Starting Recording

After you have opened the input device, you can order the MCI to start the recording process using the command MCI_RECORD. This command requires an opened input device and a parameter of type MCI_RECORD_PARMS. The definition of this structure is as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
    DWORD     dwFrom;
    DWORD     dwTo;

Members this structure defines are as following:

  • dwCallback:
    The window handle that should be called after the processing of the command finishes if MCI_NOTIFY is specified in command flags.
  • dwFrom:
    Indicates the position of the buffer (in thousands of a second) to start recording from. In most cases this would be set to zero.
  • dwTo:
    Indicates the position of the buffer to stop recording when it is reached. Unless you want to record for a given period, this member should be zero.

Common flags for MCI_RECORD are:

    Usually you will use the MCI_NOTIFY flag. If so, you should handle the MM_MCINOTIFY message.
    Set if you used the dwFrom member of the parameter.
  • MCI_TO:
    Set if you used the dwTo member of the parameter.

If you want to record for a specific period, set dwTo member of the structure to that specific period (in thousands of seconds) and combine your flags with MCI_TO. When this period ends, MCI automatically stops the recording process and it sends a MM_MCINOTIFY message if you have set MCI_NOTIFY in the flags.

The following C example shows how you can start recording:


	parmRec.dwCallback = 0;
	parmRec.dwFrom	   = 0;
	parmRec.dwTo	   = 0;

	// We do not need a notification message
	// we will send a Stop command, when
	// we finish.
	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_RECORD, 0, (DWORD)&parmRec);

The following code shows how you can record for a specific period:


	parmRec.dwCallback = hWnd;	// window handle
	parmRec.dwFrom	   = 0;
	parmRec.dwTo	   = 30000; // 30 seconds

	// Notify me when you finish the 30 seconds
	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_RECORD,
		MCI_NOTIFY | MCI_TO, (DWORD)&parmRec);

Pausing Recording

To pause the recording process, just pass the MCI_PAUSE command to the MCI. This command accepts a parameter of the structure MCI_GENERIC_PARMS which is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;

This structure contains only one member, dwCallback. As you know, if you specify MCI_NOTIFY in command flags, MCI will send a MM_MCINOTIFY message to the window specified in this member.

MCI_PAUSE does not have specific flags, just the Wait, Notify, and Test flags.

The following C example shows how you can pause the recording process. Notice that you should already be recording or an error would be returned by the mciSendCommand().


	parmGen.dwCallback = 0;

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_PAUSE, MCI_WAIT, (DWORD)&parmGen);

Resuming Recording

To resume after pausing, you can send a MCI_RESUME command to MCI. This command is very similar to the MCI_PAUSE command. It accepts the same parameter and the same flags. The example is the same, just change command name.

Stopping Recording

After you finish recording you will need to stop the recording process. To accomplish this, pass the MCI_STOP command along with the device ID and its parameter to the MCI.

This command is the same as MCI_PAUSE and MCI_RESUME. It accepts the same flags and the same parameters, and the example is identical too, just change the command name.

Retrieving Buffer Length

How long have you been recording? This could be easily answered with the MCI_STATUS command. This command queries MCI and retrieves information about the current session.

MCI_STATUS accepts a structure parameter of type MCI_STATUS_PARMS which is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
    DWORD     dwReturn;
    DWORD     dwItem;
    DWORD     dwTrack;

This structure defines the following members:

  • dwCallback:
    Discussed previously.
  • dwReturn:
    After returning from the call, it should contains the return value of the query.
  • dwItem:
    The item to query about.
  • dwTracks:
    Length or number of tracks (specific to some query items.)

Common flags that MCI_STATUS accepts:

  • The Wait, Notify, and Test flags:
    You will usually use the Wait flag.
    Mandatory in most cases. Indicates that the dwItem of the structure is set.

If you want to query MCI about specific information, pass the MCI_STATUS command to the MCI along with MCI_STATUS_ITEM and MCI_WAIT flags, and set the dwItem field of the parameter to one of the following values (some are for output devices):

    Retrieves the total length of the buffer (in thousands of a second.)
    Retrieves current mode of the device which can be one of the following values (names are self-explanatory):

    Retrieves the total number of tracks.
    Retrieves current position (in thousands of a second.)
    Returns TRUE (true in C#) if the device is ready or FALSE (false in C#) otherwise.

When the function returns, the dwReturn field of the structure should contain the result of the query item selected.

The following C example retrieves the length of the buffer recorded:


	parmStatus.dwCallback = 0;
	parmStatus.dwReturn   = 0;
	parmStatus.dwItem     = MCI_STATUS_LENGTH;
	parmStatus.dwTrack    = 0;

	mciSendCommand(0, MCI_STATUS,

	// Display the number of seconds
	// parmStatus.dwReturn / 1000

Saving the Recorded Buffer

Before you close the device, you can save the current recorded buffer in an audio (waveform) file. The command MCI_SAVE orders MCI to save the buffer to the file specified in its structure parameter.

The parameter of MCI_SAVE is a MCI_SAVE_PARMS structure and it is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR  dwCallback;
    LPCTSTR    lpfilename;

This structure contains only two members, dwCallback (discussed before) and lpfilename. lpfilename points to a string buffer contains the name and full path of the file to save.

MCI_SAVE accepts few flags:

  • The Wait, Notify, and Test flags:
    You will always use the Wait (MCI_WAIT) flag.
    Mandatory. You will always set this flag. It indicates that lpfilename contains the path of the target file.

The following example saves the recorded buffer to the file €œrecording.wav€:


	parmSave.dwCallback = 0;
	parmSave.lpfilename = TEXT("recording.wav");
	// save to the current directory

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_SAVE,

Closing the Device

You strictly should always close the device when you finish working with it, and this is done through the MCI_CLOSE command which accepts a parameter of type MCI_GENERIC_PARMS (discussed before.)

MCI_CLOSE accepts only the Wait, Notify, and Test flags.

The following C example closes the opened device:


	parmsGen.dwCallback = 0;

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, MCI_WAIT, (DWORD)&parmsGen);

Playing a Sound File

Keeping in mind what you have learnt from the previous section would be very helpful in our discussion on how to play sound files using MCI.

Actually, the same rules and commands applied in the previous section, will be applied here.

To play a sound file on MCI, you should follow these steps:

  1. Load the audio file. This automatically opens the output device.
  2. Order the MCI to start the playing process.
  3. Close the opened device when you finish.

Again, you should check whether an error occurred or not after each call to mciSendCommand().

Loading the File

As you know, to open a multimedia device, you pass MCI the MCI_OPEN command. To specify a file to be loaded, specify the full path of the file in the lpstrElementName field of the MCI_OPEN_PARMS structure.

The following C example shows how you can open an output device and load a file for playing:

	WORD wDeviceID;

	parmOpen.dwCallback       = 0;
	parmOpen.wDeviceID        = 0;	// the default device
	parmOpen.lpstrDeviceType  = TEXT("waveaudio");
	parmOpen.lpstrElementName = TEXT("recording.wav");
	parmOpen.lpstrAlias       = 0;

	mciSendCommand(0, // the default device

	// Keep the device ID for future calls
	wDeviceID = parmOpen.wDeviceID;

Playing the File

To start playing the currently loaded file, you can use the MCI_PLAY command. This command accepts a structure parameter of type MCI_PLAY_PARMS which is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
    DWORD     dwFrom;
    DWORD     dwTo;

At first sight, you notice that it is identical to the MCI_RECORD_PARMS. Actually, you are right. This structure defines the same members as the MCI_RECORD_PARMS structure. In addition, the description of the members is the same.

dwFrom specifies the position (in thousands of a second) where to start playing. dwTo on the other hand specifies the position (in thousands of a second too) where to end playing. If you set dwFrom, you will need to set the flag MCI_FROM. Conversely, if you set dwTo, you will need to set the flag MCI_TO. If you need to play the file from the start to the end, leave both members and do not specify either MCI_FROM or MCI_TO.

You will most likely combine MCI_PLAY flags with the Notify flag, MCI_NOTIFY, to allow the code to continue execution while the file plays. If you did so, your application would receive MM_MCINOTIFY message to the window specified in the dwCallback member of the parameter structure.

The following C example shows how to start playing a file:


	// Play the file
	// from the start to the end

	parmRec.dwCallback = 0;
	parmRec.dwFrom	   = 0;
	parmRec.dwTo	   = 0;

	// notify me when you finish
	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_PLAY,
		MCI_NOTIFY, (DWORD)&parmRec);

And the following code plays only three minutes from the file:


	// play only 3 minutes
	parmRec.dwCallback = 0;
	parmRec.dwFrom	   = 0;
	// 3 * 60 * 1000
	parmRec.dwTo	   = 180000;

	// notify me when you finish
	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_PLAY,
		MCI_NOTIFY | MCI_TO, (DWORD)&parmRec);


As you know, you can pause the playback using the MCI_PAUSE command which accepts the MCI_GENERIC_PARMS parameter.


To resume the playback after pausing, you can use the MCI_RESUME command discussed before.

Retrieving Current Position

To retrieve the current position of the file, pass the MCI_STATUS command along with its flags (MCI_WAIT and MCI_STATUS_ITEM) and its parameter (MCI_STATUS_PARMS) to the MCI. Do not forget to set dwItem member of the structure to MCI_STATUS_POSITION to retrieve the current position (in thousands of a second) in the dwReturn member of the structure. The following C example demonstrates this:


	parmStatus.dwCallback = 0;
	parmStatus.dwReturn   = 0;
	parmStatus.dwItem     = MCI_STATUS_POSITION;
	parmStatus.dwTrack    = 0;

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_STATUS,

	// Display the current position
	// parmStatus.dwReturn / 1000

Retrieving File Length

Like retrieving current position, you can retrieve full file length the same way. However, you will need to specify the item MCI_STATUS_LENGTH instead.

Seeking a Specific Position

To change the current position, pass MCI the command MCI_SEEK. This command accepts the structure parameter MCI_SEEK_PARMS which is defined as following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
    DWORD     dwTo;

This parameter defines the following members:

  • dwCallback:
    The window to be notified with the MCI_MMNOTIFY message if the call was carried out asynchronously using the MCI_NOTIFY flag.
  • dwTo:
    The position (in thousands of a second) to jump to.

The command MCI_SEEK accepts the following flags:

  • The Wait, Notify, and Test flags:
    You will always use the Wait flag.
    If specified, it would jump to the end of the file.
    If specified, it would jump to the start of the file.
  • MCI_TO:
    If specified, MCI would use the value in the dwTo member of the parameter structure.

The following C example jumps to the start of the file:


	parmStatus.dwCallback = 0;
	parmStatus.dwTo	      = 0;

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_SEEK,

And the following example jumps to the third minute of the file:


	parmStatus.dwCallback = 0;
	parmStatus.dwTo	      = 180000;

	mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_SEEK,
		MCI_WAIT | MCI_TO, (DWORD)&parmSeek);

Closing the Device

You should close the device as soon as you finish working with it, and this is done (as you know) through the MCI_CLOSE command.

In a Nutshell

The following table summarizes the commands that you will usually use with audio files along with their parameter structures and flags.

Command Input/Output Parameter Structure Commonly Used Flags

MCI and .NET

Creating the Managed Signature

Because .NET does not support MCI and it does not allow you to call unmanaged code directly, you will need to create your own marshaling types and PInvoke methods.

Keep in mind that you can get the handle of a window by using Control.Handle property.

The following class is the managed signature of our unmanaged structures and functions along with the required constants:

internal static class SafeNativeMethods
    // Constants

    public const string WaveAudio = "waveaudio";

    public const uint MM_MCINOTIFY = 0x3B9;

    public const uint MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL = 0x0001;
    public const uint MCI_NOTIFY_SUPERSEDED = 0x0002;
    public const uint MCI_NOTIFY_ABORTED = 0x0004;
    public const uint MCI_NOTIFY_FAILURE = 0x0008;

    public const uint MCI_OPEN = 0x0803;
    public const uint MCI_CLOSE = 0x0804;
    public const uint MCI_PLAY = 0x0806;
    public const uint MCI_SEEK = 0x0807;
    public const uint MCI_STOP = 0x0808;
    public const uint MCI_PAUSE = 0x0809;
    public const uint MCI_RECORD = 0x080F;
    public const uint MCI_RESUME = 0x0855;
    public const uint MCI_SAVE = 0x0813;
    public const uint MCI_LOAD = 0x0850;
    public const uint MCI_STATUS = 0x0814;

    public const uint MCI_SAVE_FILE = 0x00000100;
    public const uint MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT = 0x00000200;
    public const uint MCI_OPEN_TYPE = 0x00002000;
    public const uint MCI_LOAD_FILE = 0x00000100;
    public const uint MCI_STATUS_POSITION = 0x00000002;
    public const uint MCI_STATUS_LENGTH = 0x00000001;
    public const uint MCI_STATUS_ITEM = 0x00000100;

    public const uint MCI_NOTIFY = 0x00000001;
    public const uint MCI_WAIT = 0x00000002;
    public const uint MCI_FROM = 0x00000004;
    public const uint MCI_TO = 0x00000008;

    // Structures

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_OPEN_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public uint wDeviceID;
        public IntPtr lpstrDeviceType;
        public IntPtr lpstrElementName;
        public IntPtr lpstrAlias;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_RECORD_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public uint dwFrom;
        public uint dwTo;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_PLAY_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public uint dwFrom;
        public uint dwTo;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_GENERIC_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_SEEK_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public uint dwTo;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_SAVE_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public IntPtr lpfilename;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct MCI_STATUS_PARMS
        public IntPtr dwCallback;
        public uint dwReturn;
        public uint dwItem;
        public uint dwTrack;
    } ;

    // Functions

    [DllImport("winmm.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi,
        BestFitMapping = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
    public static extern uint mciSendCommand(
        uint mciId,
        uint uMsg,
        uint dwParam1,
        IntPtr dwParam2);

    [DllImport("winmm.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi,
        BestFitMapping = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    public static extern bool mciGetErrorString(
        uint mcierr,
        System.Text.StringBuilder pszText,
        uint cchText);


In C, you can handle the MCI_MMNOTIFY message in the way you handle any other message. Just add the handler to the window procedure (WndProc) function.

In .NET, you do not have a WndProc function. However, .NET emulates this function using the protected Control.WndProc() function. You can override this function in your form and do the required processing. The following example demonstrates this:

public partial class MainForm : Form
    . . .

    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        if (m.Msg == SafeNativeMethods.MM_MCINOTIFY)
            // Handle the message

        // DO NOT REMOVE the following line
        base.WndProc(ref m);

Appendix A: Setting Device Information

After we received your feedbacks and comments about the article, we decided to add a small appendix to the end of the article about setting information (volume, channel, sampling rate, etc.) to a MCI device (a Waveform device of course.)

Like anything else in MCI, you can set device information using a MCI command (string/numeric), and this time it’s the MCI_SET command.

This command is used to set information about a specific device. This command requires an input parameter of the MCI_SET_PARMS structure. However, that input parameter might have extended members for specific devices. Because we are concentrating of Waveform devices, so we are going to use the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS structure that contains the extended members for our device and is defined as following:

typedef struct {
  DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
  DWORD     dwTimeFormat;
  DWORD     dwAudio;
  UINT      wInput;
  UINT      wOutput;
  WORD      wFormatTag;
  WORD      wReserved2;
  WORD      nChannels;
  WORD      wReserved3;
  DWORD     nSamplesPerSec;
  DWORD     nAvgBytesPerSec;
  WORD      nBlockAlign;
  WORD      wReserved4;
  WORD      wBitsPerSample;
  WORD      wReserved5;

This structure contains all and every little piece of information that can be set to a device. I expect that you read the main article and you are already familiar with members like dwCallback (other members are self-explanatory) that we have talked about many times, and you are fine too with function calls and setting up input parameters, so I won’t get into the discussion of the structure or how you are going to use that command. However, if you need more help setting up the input parameters for the structure, you should take a brief look at the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS Structure documentation in the MSDN.

As you know, the MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS unmanaged structure can be marshaled in C# as following:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS
  public IntPtr dwCallback;
  public uint     dwTimeFormat;
  public uint     dwAudio;
  public uint      wInput;
  public uint      wOutput;
  public ushort      wFormatTag;
  public ushort      wReserved2;
  public ushort      nChannels;
  public ushort      wReserved3;
  public uint     nSamplesPerSec;
  public uint     nAvgBytesPerSec;
  public ushort      nBlockAlign;
  public ushort      wReserved4;
  public ushort      wBitsPerSample;
  public ushort      wReserved5;

Congratulations! You did set the device information! So how to get them back?

This can be done through the MCI_STATUS (discussed earlier) by setting up the MCI_STATUS_ITEM flag and setting the query item to the required information you need to query about (like MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME to query about volume.)

More about the MCI_STATUS command can be found in the MSDN documentation.

Sample Code

Attached with this writing the sample applications, SampleRec (C#) and SMPREC (C).

Download “SMPREC –”

Download “SampleRec –”

Note: Overcoming WinMain’s ANSI lpCmdLine

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I got a question about WinMain and its ANSI lpCmdLine. Are you required to use the ANSI argument? No, you are not!

For unknown reason, WinMain and also main functions come with only ANSI command-line arguments (lpCmdLine in WinMain and argv in main.) To overcome this situation, you can forget about function arguments and use the function GetCommandLine to get a pointer to the command-line string for the current process.

The definition for this function is as follows:

LPTSTR GetCommandLine(VOID)

Simple, isn’t it?

Simulating CWinApp::OnIdle in C

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MFC allows you to override CWinApp::OnIdle function to perform idle-time processing.

This function is called whenever there’re no messages are waiting for processing in the message queue.

In this function, you can perform some secondary processing like updating the status bar, toolbar, etc.

The definition of this function is as follows:

virtual BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount);

If you are interested you can override this function and do some processing. The following example paints random rectangle while the application is idle (that is no processing is carried on.) Thus, this code doesn’t make the application irresponsive.

	BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount)

		CClientDC dc(m_pMainWnd);
		RECT rct;

			rand() % rct.right,
			rand() % rct.bottom,
			rand() % rct.right,
			rand() % rct.bottom);

		return TRUE;

This function receives only a single argument, lCount; it contains a value incremented each time OnIdle is called, and it is reset to 0 each time a new session is established. A new session is established each time your application finishes processing pending messages and no messages are left.

MFC continues to call CWinApp::OnIdle (incrementing lCount each time) as long as there’re no messages are waiting for processing. If the application received a new message, MFC ends the current session and stops calling OnIdle until it establishes a new session again. If you want, you can return TRUE to indicate that further processing is required and MFC should call OnIdle again (as long as we are in the current session,) or FALSE to indicate that processing have been finished and MFC should not call OnIdle again until a new session is established.

Notice that, you should call the base implementation of CWinApp::OnIdle because that the default implementation of OnIdle updates command UI objects like menu items and toolbars besides doing some internal structure cleanup.

Unfortunately, C doesn’t include OnIdle function. However, we could work out ours.

The following C example shows our new handmade message queue that simulates CWinApp::OnIdle:

	while (TRUE) {
		if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {

			// if a quit message
			if (WM_QUIT == msg.message)
				break; // exit the loop

			// process other messages
		else {	// no messages are waiting
			// do some idle processing

The key function is PeekMessage. This function checks the message queue and if a message was found it removes the message from the queue (if PM_REMOVE specified,) initializes the MSG object with message data, and returns TRUE to the caller. If no message was found, PeekMessage returns FALSE thus executing the code (secondary processing) in the else statement.

You can also create your fully-featured handmade OnIdle. Consider the following code:

BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount);

int WINAPI WinMain(. . .)
	MSG msg;
	LONG lCount;

	. . .

	while (TRUE) {
		if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
			// found a message, resetting
			lCount = 0;

			if (WM_QUIT == msg.message)

		else {
			if (lCount >= 0) {
				if (!OnIdle(lCount)) {
					// set a flag indicates
					// no further OnIdle
					// calls till a new
					// session
					lCount = -1;

				// increment the counter

	return msg.wParam;

BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount)

	do some processing


	return FALSE;

Have a nice day!

BeginPaint/EndPaint or GetDC/ReleaseDC?

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Which is better, to use BeginPaint/EndPaint, or to use GetDC/ReleaseDC?

Actually, it depends! If you are handling WM_PAINT, you should use BeginPaint/EndPaint. Otherwise, you should use GetDC/ReleaseDC.

You already know that Windows sends WM_PAINT to your message queue as soon as a new area of the window’s client area becomes invalidated.

If Windows finds an invalidated area, it sets a flag in the message pump indicating that a new WM_PAINT is waiting for processing. If no messages are waiting in the queue, it sends the WM_PAINT to the window procedure.

An area of the client area of the window becomes invalidated in many ways. For example, when a portion of the window covered by another window, Windows combines the area covered by the other window with the currently invalidated area of the window. In addition, you can €œinvalidate€ an area of the window using functions like InvalidateRect (to invalidate a rectangular area.) Those functions add the area specified to the currently invalidated area (i.e. combine the new area with the currently invalidated area of the window.)

Remember that, Windows continues sending WM_PAINT messages to your message queue as long as there’s an invalidated area. Therefore, you should validate the client area before leaving the WM_PAINT handler block. That’s why it is recommended using BeginPaint/EndPaint in WM_PAINT message handler because EndPaint does validate the entire client area of the window.

The following is a pseudo-code for EndPaint:

BOOL EndPaint(...)
	. . .

	validate client area
	e.g. call ValidateRect()

	release the DC

	do the necessary finalization
	. . .

Therefore, using GetDC/ReleaseDC in WM_PAINT would clog the message pump with a sequence of WM_PAINT messages that would divert your application from continuing its work, unless you validate the client area before jumping out of WM_PAINT handler.

On the other hand, using BeginPaint/EndPaint outside the WM_PAINT handler would validates the client area each time you call EndPaint. And that would prevent WM_PAINT from arriving to your message queue.

Another interesting point to consider is the following block of code inside the window procedure:

	switch (uMsg)
		. . .

		case WM_PAINT:

			return 0;

		. . .

Why the previous code is considered wrong? Yes, you are right. It leaves the WM_PAINT with neither validating the client area nor passing the message to the default window procedure.

The default window procedure actually did nothing interesting inside the WM_PAINT. However, it is required to pass the WM_PAINT to the default window procedure if you are not going to handle WM_PAINT or you’re not validating the client area inside the WM_PAINT handler. That’s because Windows simply calls BeginPaint and EndPaint in pair. Thus, validates the client area.

		case WM_PAINT:
			BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);

			EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
			return 0;

Thus, you should use BeginPaint/EndPaint in WM_PAINT only and GetDC/ReleaseDC in all other places in your code.

How To: Refer a Resource

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Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Overview
  • Introduction
  • Resource IDs (ResIDs)
  • Resource Names
  • Implementation
    • Using Resource IDs
    • Using Resource Names
  • Conclusion


This article teaches you how to refer to resources, to use Resource IDs, and to use Resource Names. It doesn’t talk about resource, how to define them, or how to load them. It assumes previous knowledge of ABCs of handling resources in an IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Visual C++.


If you have a resource in your program, you can refer it in your code using one of 2 ways:

  • Resource ID (ResID)
  • Resource Name

Actually, choosing between the two ways depends on the way you name the resource while creating it.

Resource IDs (ResIDs)

If you want to refer the resource by its ID, just type the ID name in the ID field of the Resource Properties window (like IDB_BACKGROUND for a bitmap,) and Visual Studio will automatically adds your ID to resource.h (simply a #define statement) and assigns it a valid number to distinguish it from other resources. Later, you can refer the resource by the ID or by its given number. Figure 1 shows Resource Properties window in Microsoft Visual C++ and figure 2 shows the same window in Microsoft Visual Studio. Figures demonstrated in high-contrast mode.

Resource Names

On the other hand, if you want to refer the resource by a name (string,) just type the resource name enclosed with quotation marks in the ID field (like €œMyBackground€ for a bitmap) and you can later refer the resource by that name.


Using Resource IDs

Let’s take an example. Suppose we have a bitmap in our project resources. You can set this bitmap an ID like IDB_BACKGROUND using bitmap Resource Properties window and refer it using either that ID or the actual number.

	// DO NOT FORGET to include "resource.h"

The next statement uses the actual ID number to load the same bitmap. It would success if, and only if, IDB_BACKGROUND equals to 101.

	// No need to include "resource.h"
	LoadBitmap ( hInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( 101 ) );

Yes, you can look directly in resource.h and see the actual ID. Another way is to use the IntelliSense feature in Microsoft Visual Studio.

The previous code and the next one are very rude. You strictly should avoid hard-coding numbers in your code. If it’s mandatory, define them as constants.

The next statement is equivalent to the previous. However, it uses another way to represent the actual ID value. It surrounds the ID with two quotation marks and prefixes it with the number sign (#) to distinguish it from Resource Names that we will discuss shortly.

	// No need to include "resource.h"
	LoadBitmap ( hInstance , "#101" );

You will need to use MAKEINTRESOURCE macro to convert the resource ID to a string because resource functions accept only string pointers. MAKEINTRESOURCE macro is simply defined as following:


If you like, you can convert the resource ID to a string without MAKEINTRESOURCE:

	LoadBitmap ( hInstance , (LPTSTR) IDB_BACKGROUND );

The last thing to mention about resource IDs is that you can write the ID value (e.g. 101) directly in the ID field of the Resource Properties window, and that will order Visual Studio or Visual C++ not to add the ID in resource.h and not to give it a name.

Using Resource Names

If you are sick of resource IDs and numbers, you can give your resource a name; a string that identifies the resource.

To specify the resource name, just type the name enclosed with quotation marks (like €œMyBackground€) in the ID field of the Resource Properties window.

After that you can refer the resource just by entering the resource name.

	LoadBitmap ( hInstance , "MyBackground" );

It’s worth to mention that you can’t use resource names that contain white space characters (like a space.) If you enter a name with a space in the Resource Properties window, the IDE would simply omit the spaces from the string.


This article wasn’t the much of how to refer resources. However, it established the fundamentals of locating resources and referring to them. In other articles, we’ll talk about resources, how to handle them, and how to use them in your application.

How To: Represent Numbers in Dec, Hex, and Oct


In C and C++, you can have 3 ways of write a number:

  • Using Decimal (base-10) notation
    Very nice for general numbers. It’s easy to read and maintain. Read about decimal notation here.
  • Using Hexadecimal (base-16) notation
    Very efficient for flags especially if you need to see how bits are organized. Plus, it is very popular in C and C++. Read about hexadecimal notation here.
  • Using Octal (base-8) notation
    Not very friendly for most developers and for team mates of course. Read about octal notation here.

Unfortunately, you cannot write a binary number directly in your code. Convert it to any of the three notations first. Read about binary notation here.

Decimal Representation

Just as you write number on papers, you can write it in your code.

	int i = 100;

And you can use the format specifier %d to display the number as decimal using the printf function and its €œsisters€ (e.g. wsprinf in Windows).

	printf("%d", i);

Hexadecimal Representation

Just convert the number to hex and write it prefixed with 0x.

	int i = 0x64;

And you can use the format specifier %x to display the number as hexadecimal as small letters. And %X to display it as capital letters.

	printf("0x%x", i);

Octal Representation

Convert the number to oct and write it prefixed with 0.

	int i = 0144;

Of course, you can use printf to display octal numbers. And this is done through the %o format specifier.

	printf("%o", i);

Beware while reading octal numbers. Octal representation is very similar to decimal. 0144 equals to 100 in decimal notation and 0x64 in hexadecimal.

Unfortunately, you can’t use printf to display numbers in binary notation. You can make your own routine that accomplishes that.

Converting Colors to Gray Shades

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Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Colors in Grayscale
  • Detecting Print Preview Mode
  • Detecting Black-and-White Printers
  • Mixing all Together


This article discusses how you can display the page in print preview as grayscale if the printer is black-and-white. It discusses first how you can convert colors to grayscale. After that is discusses how to detect whether you are in print preview or not and whether the current printer is color or black-and-white printer. Let’s go€¦

Colors in Grayscale

If your application offers printing capability to the user, it should be aware of whether the user has a black-and-white or color printer while previewing the page. Of course, the user won’t be happy at all if he previewed his page in full-colors and printed it in black-and-white.

To solve this dilemma, you should render your print preview in grayscale if the user has a black-and-white printer and in full-colors if the user has a color printer.

The formula that converts a color to gray shade is very easy:

R/G/B = (red * 0.30) + (green * 0.59) + (blue * 0.11)

Set all the red, green, and blue to the sum of 30% of the red value, 59% of the green, and 11% of the blue.

For example, we can convert the color Magenta (0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF) to grayscale using the following steps:

-> 255 * 0.30 = 76
-> 0 * 0.59 = 0
-> 255 * 0.11 = 28
-> 76 + 0 + 28 = 104
-> R/G/B = 76

Thus, Magenta in grayscale equals to the RGB values 76, 76, 76.

The following function converts the color to grayscale:

	BYTE byColor;

	byColor =
		( GetRValue(cr) * 0.30 ) +
		( GetGValue(cr) * 0.59 ) +
		( GetBValue(cr) * 0.11 );

		RGB( byColor, byColor, byColor );

Detecting Print Preview Mode

If you have a CPrintInfo you can detect whether you are “print-previewing” or printing by checking the m_bPreview flag. If you don’t have a CPrintInfo (i.e. you are in the context of the OnDraw function) you can detect print preview mode by comparing CDC’s m_hDC and m_hAttribDC members.

MFC does some magic using m_hDC and m_hAttribDC. It uses m_hDC for output, while it uses m_hAttribDC for queries about DC attributes. How this helps?

If you are printing to the screen or to the printer, both m_hDC and m_hAttribDC will refer to the same HDC that’s used for drawing and retrieving attributes. On the other hand, while in print preview, MFC sets m_hDC to the window DC and sets m_hAttribDC to the HDC of the current printer. The results are unimaginable. If you are drawing, the calls are carried out to the screen. If you are querying about attributes (i.e. calling GetDeviceCaps,) the calls are carried out to the printer.

Therefore, you can detect print preview mode using a single line of code:

BOOL bPreview = (pDC->m_hDC != pDC->m_hAttribDC);

Or you can use the following code if you have a CPrintInfo:

BOOL bPreview = pInfo->m_bPreview;

Detecting Black-and-White Printers

Another point of interest is detecting whether the current printer is monochrome (black-and-white) or color printer.

This can be done through the GetDeviceCaps function with the NUMCOLORS item specified. It returns the number of colors if the device has a color depth of 8 bits per pixel or less. It’s not limited to printer DCs only. It can be used with display DCs too.

The following code detects if the device is monochrome:

BOOL bMono = (pDC->GetDeviceCaps(NUMCOLORS) == 2);

Mixing all Together

We have seen how to convert the color to grayscale, how to detect print preview mode, and how to detect a black-and white printer. Now, let’s mix them all together.

In OnDraw and OnPrint, we can solve the dilemma of black-and-white print-previewing by a simple change in the code. The following code segment sets the color based on the type of printer (it works fine too even if we are painting to the screen.)

BOOL bMono =
	(pDC->GetDeviceCaps (NUMCOLORS) == 2) &&
	(pDC->m_hDC != pDC->m_hAttribDC);

CBrush brush	(bMono ?
	GetGrayscale(RGB (255, 0, 255)) :
	RGB (255, 0, 255));

bMono is set to TRUE only if we are in print preview mode and the current printer is black-and-white printer.


هذه المقالة متوفرة أيضا باللغة العربية، اقرأها هنا.

Windows comes with two types that represent a Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE.) Both represent FALSE if 0 and TRUE if non-zero.

The big difference you need to care when working with that two Booleans is that BOOL defined as int which is 32 bits (4 bytes) on 32-bit environments and 16 bits (2 bytes) on 16-bit environments. BOOLEAN on the other hand, defined as BYTE, which in turn defined as unsigned char. Thus, BOOLEAN only occupies 8 bits (1 byte) from memory.

Although you can convert between them easily, BOOL is much common than BOOLEAN and it is very popular in the Windows API.

Now, the decision is yours!