Capturing Payments Using Mastercard MIGS Service and ASP.NET Core


Good day everyone! Today we will explore Mastercard MIGS payment service and learn how to capture payments from your clients through the provided API using C# and ASP.NET Core.

It is worth mentioning that the payment component we are going to create can be used from any project (not just ASP.NET core projects.) Moreover, it is very easy to port our test code to MVC, WebForms or even console/desktop apps.


Accessing Protrack API (an Object-Oriented Approach)


Protrack is one of the well-known web-based GPS tracking software and today we will learn how to access its API using C# and .NET Framework. We will create a little wrapper around the API and use it to track GPS devices in a target account. This lesson will show you some of object-oriented concepts in action.


Consuming URL Shortening Services –

هذه المقالة متوفرة أيضا باللغة العربية، اقرأها هنا.

Read more about URL Shortening Services here.



Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Overview
  • Introduction
  • API
  • What’s next


Another article of our endless series that talks about accessing URL shortening services programmatically.

This article is talking about shortening service, how you can use it, and how to access it via your C#/VB.NET application.


We can’t say that is not one of the well-known services nor it has anything special, however, as long as it provides an API we are very interested in it.

When you visit service website,, you can see that nothing easier from, just push your long URL into the text box and click the shortening button.

API provides you a very simple easy-to-use API. This API contains only one function that’s used for shortening URLs. Another good thing is that this function doesn’t require any kind of authentication for users. Therefore, you need just to send it your long URL (as you did with the website.)

The shortening function function is called, it accepts 3 arguments:

  1. action:
    Yet, it can accept only one value, shorturl, which orders the function to shorten the specified url.
  2. url:
    The long URL to be shortened.
  3. format:
    The format of the returned data from the function. Can be simple, xml, or json.

As you know, the .NET BCL doesn’t support JSON (some third-party components do,) and thus, we won’t cover JSON data returned from the function. Rather, we’ll concentrate on plain and XML data returned.

When the format of this function is XML, the returned data, if the function succeeded, is like the following if this is your first time you shorten this URL:

        <date>2010-12-17 20:14:04</date>
    <message> added to database</message>

If, however, this isn’t your first time you shorten this URL, you would get data like this:

    <message> already exists in database</message>

Anyway, you can retrieve the value of shorturl and forget about the rest.

Now, let’s try this function. We’ll try to shorten the URL with our function. First, connect the arguments, e.g. Now copy this address and paste it into your favorite browser. If everything was OK, you should see the short URL after clicking ‘Go’ in the browser toolbar.

Now, let’s do it in C# and VB.NET. Check the following function that tries to shorten long URLs via the API:

// C#

string Shorten(string url, bool xml)
    url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
    string reqUri =
        url, xml ? "xml" : "simple");

    HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
    req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds

    // if the function fails and format==txt throws an exception
    Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

    if (xml)
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        // error checking for xml
        if (doc["result"]["statusCode"].InnerText != "200")
            throw new WebException(doc["result"]["statusCode"].InnerText);

        return doc["result"]["shorturl"].InnerText;
    else // Text
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stm))
            return reader.ReadLine();

Private Function Shorten(url As String, xml As Boolean) As String
	url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url)
	Dim reqUri As String = "{0}&format={1}"
	If (xml) Then
		reqUri = String.Format(reqUri, url, "xml")
		reqUri = String.Format(reqUri, url, "simple")
	End If

	Dim req As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(reqUri), HttpWebRequest)
	req.Timeout = 5000
	Dim stm As Stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()

	If xml Then
		Dim doc As New XmlDocument()

		' error checking for xml
		If doc("result")("statusCode").InnerText <> "200" Then
			Throw New WebException(doc("result")("statusCode").InnerText)
		End If

		Return doc("result")("shorturl").InnerText
		' Simple
		Using reader As New StreamReader(stm)
			Return reader.ReadLine()
		End Using
	End If
End Function

Notice that we have used the function System.Net.Uri.EscapeUriString() to eliminate unacceptable characters from the URL by encoding them.

Notice too that we have included our code in a Try-Catch block so we can catch exceptions before they blow up our application.

What’s next

Consider reading other articles in this series here.

.NET Interoperability at a Glance 3 – Unmanaged Code Interoperation

هذه المقالة متوفرة باللغة العربية أيضا، اقرأها هنا.

See more Interoperability examples here.


Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Read also
  • Overview
  • Unmanaged Code Interop
  • Interop with Native Libraries
  • Interop with COM Components
  • Interop with ActiveX Controls
  • Summary
  • Where to go next

Read also

More from this series:


This is the last article in this series, it talks about unmanaged code interoperation; that’s, interop between .NET code and other code from other technologies (like Windows API, native libraries, COM, ActiveX, etc.)

Be prepared!


Managed code interop wasn’t so interesting, so it’s the time for some fun. You might want to call some Win32 API functions, or it might be interesting if you make use of old, but useful, COM components. Let’s start!

Unmanaged Code Interop

Managed code interoperation isn’t so interesting, but this is. Unmanaged interoperation is not easy as the managed interop, and it’s also much difficult and much harder to implement. In unmanaged code interoperation, the first system is the .NET code; the other system might be any other technology including Win32 API, COM, ActiveX, etc. Simply, unmanaged interop can be seen in three major forms:

  1. Interoperation with Native Libraries.
  2. Interoperation with COM components.
  3. Interoperation with ActiveX.

Interop with Native Libraries

This is the most famous form of .NET interop with unmanaged code. We usually call this technique, Platform Invocation, or simply PInvoke. Platform Invocation or PInvoke refers to the technique used to call functions of native unmanaged libraries such as the Windows API.

To PInvoke a function, you must declare it in your .NET code. That declaration is called the Managed Signature. To complete the managed signature, you need to know the following information about the function:

  1. The library file which the function resides in.
  2. Function name.
  3. Return type of the function.
  4. Input parameters.
  5. Other relevant information such as encoding.

Here comes a question, how could we handle types in unmanaged code that aren’t available in .NET (e.g. BOOL, LPCTSTR, etc.)?

The solution is in Marshaling. Marshaling is the process of converting unmanaged types into managed and vice versa (see figure 1.) That conversion can be done in many ways based on the type to be converted. For example, BOOL can simply be converted to System.Boolean, and LPCTSTR can be converted to System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder, or even System.Char[]. Compound types (like structures and unions) are usually don’t have counterparts in .NET code and thus you need to create them manually. Read our book about marshaling here.

Figure 1 - The Marshaling Process
Figure 1 – The Marshaling Process

To understand P/Invoke very well, we’ll take an example. The following code switches between mouse button functions, making the right button acts as the primary key, while making the left button acts as the secondary key.

In this code, we’ll use the SwapMouseButtons() function of the Win32 API which resides in user32.dll library and has the following declaration:

BOOL SwapMouseButton(
    BOOL fSwap

Of course, the first thing is to create the managed signature (the PInvoke method) of the function in .NET:

// C#
static extern bool SwapMouseButton(bool fSwap);
Declare Auto Function SwapMouseButton Lib "user32.dll" _
    (ByVal fSwap As Boolean) As Boolean

Then we can call it:

// C#

public void MakeRightButtonPrimary()

public void MakeLeftButtonPrimary()

Public Sub MakeRightButtonPrimary()
End Sub

Public Sub MakeLeftButtonPrimary()
End Sub

Interop with COM Components

The other form of unmanaged interoperation is the COM Interop. COM Interop is very large and much harder than P/Invoke and it has many ways to implement. For the sake of our discussion (this is just a sneak look at the technique,) we’ll take a very simple example.

COM Interop includes all COM-related technologies such as OLE, COM+, ActiveX, etc.

Of course, you can’t talk directly to unmanaged code. As you’ve seen in Platform Invocation, you have to declare your functions and types in your .NET code. How can you do this? Actually, Visual Studio helps you almost with everything so that you simply to include a COM-component in your .NET application, you go to the COM tab of the Add Reference dialog (figure 2) and select the COM component that you wish to add to your project, and you’re ready to use it!

Figure 2 - Adding Reference to SpeechLib Library
Figure 2 – Adding Reference to SpeechLib Library

When you add a COM-component to your .NET application, Visual Studio automatically declares all functions and types in that library for you. How? It creates a Proxy library (i.e. assembly) that contains the managed signatures of the unmanaged types and functions of the COM component and adds it to your .NET application.

The proxy acts as an intermediary layer between your .NET assembly and the COM-component. Therefore, your code actually calls the managed signatures in the proxy library that forwards your calls to the COM-component and returns back the results.

Keep in mind that proxy libraries also called Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) and Runtime Callable Wrappers (RCWs.)

Best mentioning that Visual Studio 2010 (or technically, .NET 4.0) has lots of improved features for interop. For example, now you don’t have to ship a proxy/PIA/RCW assembly along with your executable since the information in this assembly can now be embedded into your executable; this is what called, Interop Type Embedding.

Of course, you can create your managed signatures manually, however, it’s not recommended especially if you don’t have enough knowledge of the underlying technology and the marshaling of functions and types (you know what’s being said about COM!)

As an example, we’ll create a simple application that reads user inputs and speaks it. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Console application.
  2. Add a reference to the Microsoft Speech Object Library (see figure 2.)
  3. Write the following code and run your application:
// C#

using SpeechLib;

static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter the text to read:");
    string txt = Console.ReadLine();

static void Speak(string text)
    SpVoice voice = new SpVoiceClass();
    voice.Speak(text, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault);

Imports SpeechLib

Sub Main()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter the text to read:")
    Dim txt As String = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub

Sub Speak(ByVal text As String)
    Dim voice As New SpVoiceClass()
    voice.Speak(text, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault)
End Sub

If you are using Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 and the application failed to run because of Interop problems, try disabling Interop Type Embedding feature from the properties on the reference SpeechLib.dll.

Interop with ActiveX Controls

ActiveX is no more than a COM component that has an interface. Therefore, nearly all what we have said about COM components in the last section can be applied here except the way we add ActiveX components to our .NET applications.

To add an ActiveX control to your .NET application, you can right-click the Toolbox, select Choose Toolbox Items, switch to the COM Components tab and select the controls that you wish to use in your application (see figure 3.)

Figure 3 - Adding WMP Control to the Toolbox
Figure 3 – Adding WMP Control to the Toolbox

Another way is to use the aximp.exe tool provided by the .NET Framework (located in Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abin) to create the proxy assembly for the ActiveX component:

aximp.exe "C:WindowsSystem32wmp.dll"

Not surprisingly, you can create the proxy using the way for COM components discussed in the previous section, however, you won’t see any control that can be added to your form! That way creates control class wrappers for unmanaged ActiveX controls in that component.


So, unmanaged code interoperation comes in two forms: 1) PInvoke: interop with native libraries including the Windows API 2) COM-interop which includes all COM-related technologies like COM+, OLE, and ActiveX.

To PInvoke a method, you must declare it in your .NET code. The declaration must include 1) the library which the function resides in 2) the return type of the function 3) function arguments.

COM-interop also need function and type declaration and that’s usually done for you by the Visual Studio which creates a proxy (also called RCW and PIA) assembly that contains managed definitions of the unmanaged functions and types and adds it to your project.

Where to go next

Read more about Interoperability here.

More from this series:

Consuming URL Shortening Services –

هذه المقالة متوفرة أيضا باللغة العربية، اقرأها هنا.

Read more about URL shortening services here.



Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Overview
  • Introduction
  • API
  • WCF Services
    • Squeeze Service
    • Reporting Service
  • RESTful Services
    • Squeeze Service
    • Reporting Service
  • Source Code
  • What’s next


This is another article of our URL shortening services series. This article is talking about shortening service provided by Go Daddy. If you don’t know how to access this service from your .NET application, then it’s the time to.

We’ll have a complete discussion of the WCF services offered by Then, we’ll consider the RESTful interfaces provided.


Today we are going to talk about one of the most popular URL shortening services on the web now; it’s the new provided by Go Daddy, the dominating domain names and web hosting service provider.

While is considered very new since it has released just few months ago, it gained support from users worldwide very quickly, and now it’s one of the most popular shortening services exist in the web. Although the interface provided to users doesn’t offer great functionality, the API interface it provides really deserves respect since it’s one of the most easiest yet powerful APIs (for shortening services) exist on the web now.


The most noticeable thing about API is that unlike other APIs it’s based on ASP.NET and WCF (WOW!) Moreover, the WCF service provides you a RESTful interface. Thus, you end up with two interfaces, one is based on WCF, and other is a REST web service.

You might not be familiar with WCF or other new technologies related to versions higher than .NET 2.0, don’t worry it’s just a matter of names! You use WCF services the same way as with ordinary Web Services.

In this writing, we’ll first talk about WCF/Web service interfaces provided to you by After that, we’ll have a look at how RESTful interfaces fit in the picture.

Before we begin our discussion, you’ll need to grab your API key that’s required by all functions for authentication. To get your API key, first create a free account at if you don’t have one yet. Figure 1 shows the registration page.

Figure 1 - Go Daddy Registration Page

After you complete the registration process, go to, login with your username and password, and go to Settings to get your API key. See figure 2.

Figure 2 - API Key

Notice that this is a secret key and you should keep it away from intruder eyes. This key will be used in all of your work with API.

WCF Services

WCF or Web services, not a big deal, let’s just call it WCF. Our service provides you two WCF services that you can access:

The Squeeze service supports only one function that can be used to shorten (squeeze) long URLs. In fact, the Squeeze service provides other functions too, however, they are either deprecated or for the internal use of Go Daddy. The other service, the Reporting service, supports functions related to reports and analytics of short URLs (like clicks and referrer sites.)

Whatever service you like to use, you must reference it to your projects. To add a reference to a web service to your project, you can use one of two ways. The first and better way is to use Visual Studio. Right-click the Web References node under your project node in Solution Explorer and select Add Web Reference to launch the Add Web Reference dialog (see figure 3.)

Figure 3 - Solution Explorer - Add Web Reference
Figure 3 - Solution Explorer - Add Web Reference

The Add Web Reference dialog is now on the top of the IDE, the dialog might appear different in .NET 2.0 than higher versions (see figure 4 and figure 5.) Whatever, write the address of the service that you need to add, click Go so can Visual Studio read service description, write a good name in the Reference Name field that would be the namespace that groups service objects, and finally click Add Reference. Notice that we have used the name xcoapi for the Squeeze service, and xcoapirpt for the Reporting service.

Figure 4 - Add Web Reference Dialog in .NET 3.0+
Figure 4 - Add Web Reference Dialog in .NET 3.0+

Figure 5 - Add Web Reference Dialog in .NET 2.0
Figure 5 - Add Web Reference Dialog in .NET 2.0

Another approach to get the required source files for the service is to use the svcutil.exe tool that’s used internally by Visual Studio. This is a command tool that generates source files for web and WCF services. You can use this tool as follows:

svcutil.exe /language=C#
svcutil.exe /language=VB

Notice that we have included the address of the discovery (description) WSDL data of the services so that the tool can read it. Remember to select your language in the command.

Squeeze Service

The first function we have today and the only function of the Squeeze service ( is the Shorten() function that’s used to shorten long URL files. This function simply accepts 2 arguments:

  • url:
    The long URL to be shortened.
  • apiKey:
    The API key used to authenticate the call.

There’re other functions existing in the Squeeze service but they are either deprecated or reserved for internal use by Go Daddy.

After you ensure that a reference of the service is added to your project (check the previous section) you can start writing your code. The following function accepts the long URL and returned the shortened one that’s -at the time of this writing- is no more than 16 characters (e.g.

// C#

string Shorten(string url, string apiKey)
    using (xcoapi.Squeeze sq = new xcoapi.Squeeze())
        return sq.Shorten(url, apiKey);

Notice that web services consumes lots of system resources and you should release them as soon as you finish you work with them, that’s why we have used the C# using statement.

Reporting Service

The other service we have is the Reporting service ( that offers you great deal of analytics and reporting functionalities that can be sorted in 3 areas:

  • Click count (the number of uses of the short URL)
  • Referrer sites (for the short URL)
  • Uses by locations (city, region, and country.)

This service supports 5 functions:

  • GetTotalMapClick():
    Returns total clicks (uses) of a short URLs.
  • GetMapClicksByDates():
    Returns clicks of a short URL made within a given time period grouped by days.
  • GetMapClicksByHour():
    Returns clicks of a short URL made today grouped by hours.
  • GetMapReferrersByDates():
    Returns referrer links made to the short URL within a given time period grouped by days.
  • GetMapLocationsByDates():
    Returns clicks of a short URL made within a given time period grouped by geographic location.

Those five functions are very similar in many ways. First, they all accept two required parameters:

In addition, the last four functions work the same way. They all return arrays of objects. GetMapClicksByHour() for instance returns the number of clicks made today grouped by hours each hour is represented by an object that contain the hour number besides the clicks made in that hour, and all objects are grouped inside one array.

The other functions GetMapClicksByDates(), GetMapReferrersByDates(), and GetMapLocationsByDates() work the same way and accept the same parameters except that they accept four additional parameters represent the begin and the end dates of the time period and whether the date parameters were set or leaved empty.

How can the four parameters help? You can define both and set the two flags to indicate that we need a specific time period. You can also set one of them and set its flag to indicate that you need to start from a specific day and get analytics till now. Notice that you can’t leave both empty.

The following code returns the total number of clicks for a specific short URL:

// C#

int GetTotalClicks(string shortCode, string apiKey)
    using (xcoapirpt.ReportingClient rpt = new xcoapirpt.ReportingClient())
        return rep.GetTotalMapClick(apiKey, shortCode);

And the following code is the same as the above except that it uses .NET 2.0:

// C#

int GetTotalClicks(string shortCode, string apiKey)
    using (xcoapirpt.Reporting rpt = new xcoapirpt.Reporting())
        int totalClicks;
        bool succeeded;
        rep.GetTotalMapClick(apiKey, shortCode, out totalClicks, out succeeded);

        return succeeded ? totalClicks : -1;

Notice the slight difference between the two calls (in .NET 2.0 and higher versions.) In .NET 2.0, the returned value is specified as an output parameter.

The following code is somewhat complex than the previous. The following code returns the refer links for our short URL:

// C#

xcoapirpt.ReferrerEventInfo[] GetReferrers
    (string shortUrl, string apiKey, out int totalClicks)
    using (xcoapirpt.Reporting rep = new xcoapirpt.Reporting())
        xcoapirpt.ReferrerEventInfo[] results =
            rep.GetMapReferrersByDates(apiKey, shortUrl,
                DateTime.Now - new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0, 0), true, DateTime.Now, true);

        totalClicks = 0;
        foreach (xcoapirpt.ReferrerEventInfo r in results)
            totalClicks += r.TotalSpecified ? r.Total : 0;

        return results;

Notice how we specify the start and end date parameters and their flags to get only the last week analytics. Notice also the type of the array returned from the function and how we used it to get the required information.

RESTful Services

If you prefer not to use the WCF services, you can start with the REST interface provided to you by the kind-hearted WCF services. A RESTful service is simply a group of related web functions that has specific formats; some of return plaint text, some return XML data, and others return JSON.

Keep in mind that WCF services are supported natively by .NET framework and thus they are faster and easier to work with.

Squeeze Service

Not surprisingly, our RESTful Squeeze service is provided to us by the address This service has two functions to shorten URLs, one is JSON, and the other is plain text.

The first function that returns plain text can be called using the following address:{apiKey}?url={url}

Now you have the address and ready with the input, the following function calls the previous function to shorten long URLs:

// C#

string Shorten(string url, string apiKey)
    WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(
        apiKey, url));

    req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds

    string shortUrl;
    System.IO.Stream stm;

    stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

    using (System.IO.StreamReader rdr = new System.IO.StreamReader(stm))
        return rdr.ReadToEnd();

Reporting Service

Likewise, the Reporting service has the following address: This service provides you with many functions like its WCF counterpart, however, all of them are JSON expect one is plain text. Because JSON is not natively supported by .NET Framework and thus requires the use of other 3rd party components (e.g. Json.NET) we won’t consider those endpoints. However, we have our total clicks function that returns plain text:

// C#

int GetTotalClicks(string shortCode, string apiKey)
    WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(
        apiKey, shortCode));

    req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds

    System.IO.Stream stm;

    stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

    using (System.IO.StreamReader rdr = new System.IO.StreamReader(stm))
        return int.Parse(rdr.ReadToEnd());

Again, the short code is the only required piece of the short URL, you do not need to include the (actually, you can’t!)

Source Code

Download the source code files from here.

What’s next

Consider reading more about URL shortening services here.

Consuming URL Shortening Services –

هذه المقالة متوفرة أيضا باللغة العربية، اقرأها هنا.

Read more about URL shortening services here.



Contents of this article:

  • Contents
  • Overview
  • Introduction
  • API
    • Overview
    • Function Explanation
    • Shortening Function
    • Expanding Function
    • Validation Function
    • Stats Function
    • Lookup Function
    • Info Function
    • Authentication Function
  • JSON Support
    • Sample
    • Where to go next


    This is a very hot article that you can’t leave without checking it first. This article is talking about the most popular and powerful URL shortening service ever,

    Today, we are going to talk about API, its functions, and how you can access them from your .NET application.

    Don’t forget to download the sample code at the end of the article.

    Let’s go!


    Today we are going to talk about the most popular yet most powerful URL shortening service ever in the web. Yes you guessed, it is

    Of course this service is well-known enough and we don’t need to describe it or talk about its features, so we’ll dig into the API immediately.



    There’re few things that you should keep in mind about API:

    • REST API:

    The API is a REST web service; means that it’s a collection of HTTP endpoints each accessed by a simple address filled with arguments the function (endpoint) requires the way you fill up query strings of a web page. Actually, you don’t need to care about REST web services or HTTP endpoints; you just need to know how to call those functions (simply, to access those addresses programmatically.)

    Yet, the current and only version of the API is version 3 and that can be accessed using the following address:

    Simply, substitute function_name with the name of the function you need to call, and replace args with function arguments.

    Notice that you can try any function by just typing the address into the browser and navigating to the results.

    • Functions:

    The API provides you with lots of functions that satisfy your application needs. The following list contains the functions available:

    • Shorten:
      Used to shorten a long URL.
    • Expand:
      Used to expand the URL; to get the original long URL from the short one.
    • Validate:
      Used to validate a username and his API key.
    • Clicks:
      Used to retrieve stats (number of clicks) about the short URL specified.
    • Lookup:
      Used to check a long URL if exists in the database, i.e., if it has been shortened before.
    • Info:
      Used to retrieve information about the URL (e.g. the user created it, page title, etc.)
    • Authenticate:
      Used to check if a username and password are valid. Access restricted, more information available later at the end of this article.

    As you see, the API of is the most sophisticated yet powerful API compared to the APIs of the other URL shortening services.

    • Input Arguments:

    Any URL passed to a function must be encoded first to eliminate the ‘#’, ‘?’, ‘=’ and other problematic characters in the URL. For encoding a URL, the function System.Net.Uri.EscapeUriString() is very sufficient.

    There’re three main required arguments that are used by all functions:

    • login:
    • apiKey:
      The key used to authenticate the user access to the API.
    • format:
      The format (type) of returned data from functions.

    Those three are required by all functions and you cannot work without one of them.

    • Authentication:

    All functions require user authentication. The user can prove his identity using his login name (username) and his API key (not his password.) You can get your API key by accessing the page (after logging on to your account) or directly from

    One of the hot features of the API is that it provides you a demo user that can be used in your API training, the information of that user is as follows:

    Username: bitlyapidemo

    API Key: R_0da49e0a9118ff35f52f629d2d71bf07

    You might face problems with this account like violation of rate limits and many other problems, and that because it’s used by many users in the same time. Therefore, it’s recommended that you use another account.

    • Supported Formats:

    The API supports two formats of its returned data, XML and JSON (the default.) Yes it supports plain text too, but it’s not supported by all functions. XML data is easily manipulated by XML, so we’ll concentrate on XML besides the plain text format of course.

    • Handling Errors:

    If the function failed and you have specified the format as Plain Text (txt) in the call, you get an exception thrown in your code. If the format was XML, you can check the returned data for whether the function succeeded or not.

    The XML data returned from functions must follow this schema:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <status_code />
        <status_txt />

    Here we have status_code set to the value 200 if the function succeeded and to the error code if the function failed. The status_txt describes the status of the function, it’s set to ‘OK’ if the function succeeded and to the error description if the function failed.

    The rest of the XML data is defined based on the function.

    • Preferred Domain:

    You have the option to use one of two domains, and (new,) both offer you the same functionality and the same flexibility, however, the first counts to 20 characters while the other counts to only 18. (The domain can be set in the shortening function in the argument domain.)

    Keep in mind that the code just after the domain name (e.g. bnPuEX of is called Hash and it is exactly 6 characters (case-sensitive.)

    There’re two types of hash, each short URL has many hashes:

    • User Hash:
      That hash of the URL generated for a given user shortened the URL. That means that a long URL might have more than one user hash equals to the number of users shortened that URL. (More than one hash means more than one short URL.)
    • Global Hash:
      A hash that is shared by all users for the same short URL.

    Thus, a short URL has only one global hash, but it might have more than one user hash (for each user shortened the same long URL.)

    • Rate Limits:

    You cannot think about making thousands of function calls every hour, access to the API is limited for each user on an hourly base. Limits are very sufficient for your application, but it’s going not to be sufficient if you are willing to spam the service or to drop it!

    Function Explanation

    Now we are going to talk about each function and how you can call it.

    First, get your API key that will be used to authenticate your calls to the API. If you need to bother yourself and to clog your application use the demo API user bitlyapidemo that have the API key R_0da49e0a9118ff35f52f629d2d71bf07.

    Shortening Function

    The first function we are going to talk about today is the shortening function, shorten. This function has the following address (as you expected) and is used to shorten long URLs. Besides main arguments key, apiKey, and format, it takes two more:

    • longUrl:
      The long URL to be shortened.
    • domain:
      Optional. The preferred domain, or

    You can get hands on this function and try it simply by navigating to the results of the following URL: &format=txt&longUrl=

    This call simply tries to shorten the URL by using credentials of the demo API user (substitute the current information with your own.) The format is set to plain text.

    You can also use change the format to XML and get output like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    Notice that the status code is 200 that means that everything went ‘OK’. Notice that we have 5 elements:

    • url:
      The long URL generated.
    • hash:
      The user hash string.
    • global_hash:
      The globally shared hash. Can be used to browse to the URL too, it would be counted in the global statistics but not in user’s.
    • long_url:
      The original URL.
    • new_hash:
      Equals to 1 if this is the first time that URL being shortened (using the service of course,) or 0 otherwise.

    Now, let’s code! The following function accepts a long URL and user API credentials and tries to shorten the URL using our shortening function.

    Don’t forget to add using statements to namespaces System.IO, System.Net, and System.Xml to that code and to the other code demonstrated in this article.

    // C#
    string Shorten(string url, string login, string key, bool xml)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            login, key, xml ? "xml" : "txt", url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        // if the function fails and format==txt throws an exception
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        if (xml)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            // error checking for xml
            if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
                throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
            return doc["response"]["data"]["url"].InnerText;
        else // Text
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stm))
                return reader.ReadLine();

    Take notice of the mechanism used to check for errors.

    Expanding Function

    The next function we have is the function that is used to expand a URL, i.e., to get the long URL from the short one. Obviously, this function is called expand and it accepts the short URL shortUrl besides the three main arguments.

    Likewise, calling this function generate a data based on the function format, txt, xml, or json. The following XML data is generated when the function is called while the format is set to xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    Now you can see the two hashes, user_hash and global_hash, and the two lend the user to your page (although the access is counted differently.)

    Now, let’s code! The following function retrieves the long URL from the short one:

    // C#
    string Expand(string url, string login, string key, bool xml)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            login, key, xml ? "xml" : "txt", url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        // if the function fails and format==txt throws an exception
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        if (xml)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            // error checking for xml
            if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
                throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
            return doc["response"]["data"]["entry"]["long_url"].InnerText;
        else // Text
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stm))
                return reader.ReadLine();

    Validation Function

    The function validate is used to check if another username and API key pair is valid. For this function to work, you should use valid API credentials to check for the other credentials if they are valid or not. Therefore, you are going to use two additional arguments for the additional credentials, x_login and x_apiKey.

    This function doesn’t support plain text format. If XML was used, the function returns data like the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The valid element is set to 1 if the credentials were OK or 0 otherwise.

    And this is our C# function that validates user API credentials:

    // C#
    string Validate(string login, string key,
        string xLogin, string xKey, bool xml)
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            "login={0}&apiKey={1}&x_login={4}&x_key={5}&format={2}" +
            login, key, xLogin, xKey, xml ? "xml" : "txt");
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        // if the function fails and format==txt throws an exception
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        if (xml)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            // error checking for xml
            if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
                throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
            return int.Parse(doc["response"]["data"]["valid"]) == 1 ? true : false;
        else // Text
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stm))
                return int.Parse(reader.ReadLine()) == 1 ? true : false;

    Stats Function

    This function is used to get stats about the short URL; the stats are represented in two values, user clicks and global clicks. User clicks value is the number of access times made to that user link. Global clicks value is the number of access times made from all short URLs (from all users) refer to the same address (almost like user hashes and global hash.)

    The function only accepts the short URL, shortUrl, besides the three main arguments. The data returned from the function is almost like this (in XML):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    The following C# function is used to retrieve number of access times for the current user and for all users:

    // C#
    int GetClicks(string url, string login, string key, out int globalClicks)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            "login={0}&apiKey={1}&shortUrl={2}&format=xml" +
            login, key, url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        // error checking for xml
        if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
            throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
        XmlElement el = doc["response"]["data"]["clicks"];
        globalClicks = int.Parse(el["global_clicks"].InnerText);
        return int.Parse(el["user_clicks"].InnerText);

    Lookup Function

    This function is used with long URLs to check whether they have been shortened before, and if so, the function returns the short URLs.

    If the long URL was found in service database, XML data like this is returned:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    Otherwise, you get another form of XML data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    The following C# function looks-up a URL and returns its short URL if found:

    // C#
    string Lookup(string url, string login, string key)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            "login={0}&apiKey={1}&url={2}&format=xml" +
            login, key, url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        // error checking for xml
        if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
            throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
        if (doc["response"]["data"]["lookup"]["error"] == null)
            return null; // not found
        return doc["response"]["data"]["lookup"]["short_url"].InnerText;

    Info Function

    The info function is used to retrieve information about the current short URL. This function returns XML data like the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                <title>Just Like a Magic</title>

    Besides link hashes, it returns the name of user who created it and the page title.

    And this is our C# function that retrieves that information:

    // C# Code
    string GetInfo(string url, string login, string key, out string createdBy)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            "login={0}&apiKey={1}&shortUrl={2}&format=xml" +
            login, key, url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        // error checking for xml
        if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
            throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
        XmlElement el = doc["response"]["data"]["info"];
        createdBy = el["created_by"].InnerText;
        return el["title"].InnerText;

    Authentication Function

    This is the last function today, the authenticate function. This function is used to check whether a username and a password are valid. Although this function and the validation function work the same way, there’s a big difference. The validation function checks for API credentials, the username and the API key, while this function checks for login information, the username and the password. Another big difference is that this function is currently access-restricted and you cannot use it before asking for permission from

    This function accepts two addition parameters, the username x_login and the password x_password.

    This function is called in a very specific way. You add arguments in the body of your request. In addition, the request is made by the method POST.

    If the function succeeded you get the API key for that user. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Otherwise, the successful element is set to 0 and no other information is available:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The next C# function tries to authenticate a given user and retrieve his API key (Notice how to set information in the body of the request):

    // C#
    string Authenticate(string login, string key, string xLogin, string xPassword)
        string reqUri = "";
        string body =
            string.Format("login={0}&apiKey={1}&x_login={2}" +
            login, key, xLogin,xPassword);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000;
        req.Method = "POST";
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream());
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        // error checking for xml
        if (doc["response"]["status_code"].InnerText != "200")
            throw new WebException(doc["response"]["status_txt"].InnerText);
        XmlElement el = doc["response"]["data"]["authenticate"];
        if (el["successful"].InnerText == "1")
            return el["api_key"].InnerText;
            return null;

    JSON Support

    We have been talking about the API and its support for XML and plain text formats and we missed the third one (is also the default,) that is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation.) Although XML and plain-text are enough and sufficient for most applications, and they’re very easy too, there’re some times when you are forced to work with JSON (some web services support only JSON data.) At least for completeness’ sake, we need to know how to handle JSON data when we have it in our hands.

    Worth mentioning that JSON is not supported by versions before .NET 3.5.

    First thing to know about API is that you can get JSON data out of a function by passing the value json to the format parameter. Other way is to omit the format parameter completely, that’s because JSON is the default format that will be used when the format parameter not specified.

    Let’s take the shortening function as an example. Try calling the shortening function specifying json in the format parameter or removing the parameter completely:

    When you call the previous function you get some results similar to those:

        "status_code": 200, 
        "status_txt": "OK", 
            "long_url": "",
            "url": "",
            "hash": "bnPuEX",
            "global_hash": "bdE96m",
            "new_hash": 0

    Can you notice the similarities between the structure of this JSON-formatted data and the XML-formatted data we have seen earlier? Actually, the structure is the same, there’s no difference except how data is formatted.

    Looking at this JSON snippet we can see that it’s just a structure contains a few members, every member has a name and value both separated by a colon (:) and each surrounded by double quotes, members are separated by commas (,), and the whole structure is surrounded by curly brackets. Worth mentioning that the data member is a compound data member, means that it defines some other members inside it.

    The first step in handling JSON data is to create .NET classes/structures from the JSON code keeping the same structure definitions and parameter names. For our example, we need to create the following classes:

        class ShortUrl
            public int status_code;
            public string status_txt;
            public ShortUrlData data;
        class ShortUrlData
            public string long_url;
            public string url;
            public string hash;
            public string global_hash;
            public int new_hash;

    Here comes the trick, the DataContractJsonSerializer class that’s available in the namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Json which is available in System.Runtime.Serialization.dll for .NET 4.0 and in System.ServiceModel.Web.dll for .NET 3.5 (not available before version 3.5.)

    This class can be used in two ways: to serialize (i.e. generate JSON data from a structure) or to deserialize (i.e. return the data structure from JSON data) this data. To serialize some data you call any of the WriteXXX() functions (based on the data type,) to deserialize this data you call any of the ReadXXX() functions (based on the data type too.)

    After you add the right assembly to project references and import the namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Json, you can now start coding:

    // C#
    ShortUrl Shorten(string url, string login, string key)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format("" +
            login, key, "json", url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds
        // if the function fails and format==txt throws an exception
        Stream stm = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
        DataContractJsonSerializer con = 
            new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ShortUrl));
        ShortUrl shortUrl = (ShortUrl)con.ReadObject(stm);
        return shortUrl;

    Have fun with JSON!


    Download the sample code here.

    Where to go next

    Read more about URL shortening services here.

    Consuming URL Shortening Services – Cligs

    هذه المقالة متوفرة أيضا باللغة العربية، اقرأها هنا.

    Read more about URL shortening services here.



    Contents of this article:

    • Contents
    • Overview
    • Introduction
    • Description
    • API
      • Shortening URLs
      • Expanding URLs
    • Where to go next


    This is another article that talks about URL shortening services. Today we are going to talk about Cligs, one of the popular shortening services on the web.

    Be prepared!


    Today we are talking about another popular shortening service; it’s Cligs, one of the most popular shortening services that provide lots of premium features for FREE.

    Enough talking, let’s begin the discussion.

    In December 2009, Cligs acquired by Mister Wong (a very nice bookmarking service.)


    How Cligs can help you? Cligs gives you plenty of features, including the following:

    • Shortening URLs (registered and non-registered users):
      You get a short URL that’s no more than 20 characters (Tweetburner is 22 and is only 18) including the domain
    • URL Management (registered users only):
      It allows you to manage your short URLs, to edit them, and to remove them if you like.
    • Real-time Analytics (registered users only):
      How many clicked your link, and when.
    • URL Previewing (registered and non-registered users):
      Preview the URL before opening it. Protects you from spam and unwanted sites.


    Cligs provides you a very nice API with many advantages. The first advantage that we want to talk about is its simplicity. The API is very simple; it has just two functions, one for shortening URLs, and the other for expanding short URLs (to expand a URL means to get the long URL from the short one.)

    Another advantage of this API is that it allows you to shorten the URLs whether you are a registered user or not. Of course a registered user need to get an API key in order to link the API calls to his accounts so he can manage the links generated by the API and to watch the analytics.

    Shortening URLs

    The first function is used for shortening URLs and it’s called, create. This function has the following address:{1}&title={2}&key={3}&appid={4}

    The API is still in version 1, that’s why you see ‘v1’ in the address. This function takes four parameters, only the first one is required, other parameters are used for authentication:

    1. url:
      Required. The URL to be shortened.
    2. title:
      Optional. For authenticated calls only. The name that would be displayed on the short URL in your control panel (used for managing your URLs.)
    3. key:
      Optional. If you are a registered user and you want to link the API calls to your account, you’ll need to enter your API key here.
    4. appid:
      Optional. If you have used an API key, then you have to provide your application name that used to generate this API call (help users know the source of the link.)

    So how can you use this function? If this is an anonymous call (i.e. no authentication details provided,) just call the function providing the long URL in its single required argument.

    If you need to link this call to a specific account, then you’ll need an API key, which the user can get by signing in to his Cligs account, choosing ‘My API Keys’, then clicking ‘Create New API Key’ (if he doesn’t have one you.) The last step generates an API key that’s no exactly 32 characters (see figure 1.)

    Figure 1 - Creating API Keys, Cligs

    After you get the API key, you can push it to the function along with your application name in the appid argument.

    What about the title argument? For registered users, they can access their clig list (see figure 2) and see the URLs they shortened and the titles they choose above each of the URLs.

    Figure 2 - My Cligs, Cligs

    Now, let’s code! The following function makes use of the Cligs API to shorten URLs. It accepts three arguments, the long URL, the API key, and the application name. If the API key is null (Nothing in VB.NET,) the call is made anonymously, otherwise, the API key and the application name are used.

    // C#
    string Shorten(string url, string key, string app)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri =
            String.Format(@"{0}", url);
        if (key != null)
            reqUri += "&key=" + key + "&appid=" + app;
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 5000;
            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader =
                new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
                return reader.ReadLine();
        catch (WebException ex)
            return ex.Message;
    ' VB.NET
    Function Shorten(ByVal url As String, _
                     ByVal key As String, ByVal app As String) As String
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url)
        Dim reqUri As String = _
            String.Format("{0}", url)
        If key Is Nothing Then
            reqUri &= "&key=" & key & "&appid=" & app
        End If
        Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(reqUri)
        req.Timeout = 5000
            Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = _
                New System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
            Dim retValue As String = reader.ReadLine()
            Return retValue
        Catch ex As WebException
            Return ex.Message
        End Try
    End Function

    Expanding URLs

    The other function we have today is the expand function that’s used to get the long URL from the short one (e.g. to expand the short URL to be This function is very simple and it has the following address:{1}

    This function accepts only a single argument, that’s the clig (short URL) to be expanded. The clig can be specified using one of three ways:

    • The clig ID. e.g. p1hUnW.
    • The raw URL. e.g.
    • The encoded URL. e.g.

    You can read more about URL encoding here.

    Now it’s the time for code! The following function takes a clig and returns its original URL:

    // C#
    string Expand(string url)
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url);
        string reqUri = String.Format(@"{0}", url);
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(reqUri);
        req.Timeout = 5000;
            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader =
                new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
                return reader.ReadLine();
        catch (WebException ex)
            return ex.Message;
    ' VB.NET
    Function Expand(ByVal url As String) As String
        url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url)
        Dim reqUri As String = _
            String.Format("{0}", url)
        Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(reqUri)
        req.Timeout = 5000
            Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = _
                New System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
            Dim retValue As String = reader.ReadLine()
            Return retValue
        Catch ex As WebException
            Return ex.Message
        End Try
    End Function

    Where to go next

    Some other articles about URL shortening services are available here.