Officially Recognized as a Microsoft Azure Developer Associate

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to let you know that, today, I have completed the requirements and passed the exam to be officially recognized as a Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate, to demonstrate proficiency in Azure cloud development and solutions, data storage options, messaging and events, data connections, SQL and CosmosDB databases, API management, app authentication and authorization (Active Directory), computing and VMs, and container deployment, debugging, performance tuning, and monitoring.


I’m Back!

Hello everyone, I’m back!

It’s been a few, some good, some terrible, years since my last blog post. I have been very busy since I started working at Continental School of Cairo. I have done quite a lot of projects there, I got promoted, I run a team, I failed thousand times, and I won.

Despite that, the last two years were not easy at all, actually they were terrible. I feel more tightened and totally overwhelmed by an increasing number of non-related time-consuming tasks, my burn-down chart is “burning-up”, really stressed, and don’t have any time for a vacation. I realize that I need a change, a big one! I’m really disappointed and need to get back to track.

I started by delegating some routine tasks to my team, but that did not help much. The number of tasks that can be delegated is fairly small, or at least I’m so insecure when it comes to delegation. I always feel that I should do everything myself or at least watch someone does closely. So this has been sorely failed!

I have no other solutions and I cannot hold it anymore. I cannot decide whether it’s really time to quit. Quitting is one of the riskiest decision I may take and it does not sound like it’s a good one. I have a family and I have many plans that could be extremely affected by the decision.

On the bright side, the past few years has witnessed my marriage, my first baby, Layla, earning my MCSA (SQL Server) certificate, my MCSE (Data Management and Analytics), and finally my PMP credentials.  

Now the real question is: why I’m back? The answer is simply I want to be in other circles. I feel that my circle is so tight so that I cannot keep breathing. I want to be there somewhere else. I need to get out of the routine and get back to track. I’m back, full of enthusiasm and eagerness to help and get help!

So, little Amelie, your bones aren’t made of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance go by, eventually your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton. So… Go and get him, for Pete’s sake!

Raymond Dufayel, Amelie [2001]